Office visits are by appointment only, but we always make time for emergencies. However, we make every effort to see your child at the scheduled appointment time; and we ask you to afford us the same courtesy.
Schools consider dental appointments to be excused absences. We will give you a doctor’s note for the school upon request.
Tip #1
Preschool-age children should be seen in the morning because many are most cooperative then. This also enables our team to work slowly and at a comfortable pace for your child.
Tip #2
School-age children also are often most comfortable with morning appointments. However, many children may be fine with later appointments – depending on the planned procedures.
Keeping Happy Kids Happy
Despite our best efforts, sometimes dental work cannot be completed as planned. We understand that it may be frustrating and inconvenient to have to schedule another visit. That may require you to change other plans. That being said, we ask that you respect our policy to not restrain or otherwise cause distress to a child in order to complete non-emergency dental work.
We sometimes use nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas” on a case-by-case basis if it is necessary.
We encourage you to pre-appoint your child’s next care check-up during your visit. This is especially important if you want those desirable early morning and late afternoon time slots.